
PIOON's S3 dental laser in Vietnam
Thank you for choosing PIOON Dental Laser Thank you for supporting our parnter Sota-D!
Event of the Biggest annual conference of surgeons in Egypt
The conference had unique speakers, experts and surgeons from all over the world, with a big group of Lectures in different specialties including the Laser Uses in various surgeries.
Pioon Dental Laser in Serbia
Laser treatments have proven to be a less invasive method compared to conventional techniques because the use of the laser itself results in less cell destruction and less bleeding thanks to the hemostatic effect.
the collegue of dentist of Costa Rica, communicate and share laser experience with each other.
Big news! The newest offline activity is coming holding by our costa rica friend. This time, our friends will discuss and share the laser experience with more dentists each other.
Gingivoplasty with PIOON S3 dental laser in Myanmar.
Dental diode laser is very safe and useful for esthetic soft tissue management and thus it increases patient’s compliance and satisfaction.
Laser treatment of dentin hypersensitivity
At present, there are two main mechanisms of laser treatment of dentin hypersensitivity. First, after laser irradiation of dentin, the hot melt mechanism caused by tissue absorption of heat is notified to reduce or close the dentin tubules, so as to reduce the influence of external stimulation on pulp.
Laser treatment for pilonidal sinus
Pilonidal sinus disease is a chronic disease of the sacrococcygeal region associated with frequent recurrence. Although its cause remains unknown, the increased hormone levels associated with puberty, the growth of thick hair, long periods of sitting, and friction imparted by tight‐fitting clothing may be in play.
The WFLD 2023 - PIOON sponsors and participates in the world laser dentistry congress
PIOON looks forward to meet you at the 17th World Federation for Laser Dentistry (WFLD) Congress, which will take place on April 14-16 2023 in Wrocław Poland, a place where you will get a chance to learn everything you need to know about working with lasers!
what exactly is laser dentistry?
A dental laser uses a very thin yet powerful beam of light energy to address any dental issues. Because the laser virtually eliminates any heat, pressure or vibrations, the dental patient will experience a substantial amount of lesser pain or even no pain at all.
Celebrate the 1st day of The 4th Annual BIDEM 2022 Biggest Dental Exhibition in Bangladesh.
If you are interested in our dental laser devices, welcome to contact our Bangladesh friend Ideal Dental Supply And Services to know more. We firmly believe the laser will bring more smile to more people.
Why 980nm Diode Laser is More Suitable for Dental Implant Treatment
Common wavelengths of diode laser include 810nm, 940nm, 980nm and 1064nm. The energy of these lasers mainly targets pigments, such as hemoglobin and melanin in soft tissues.
PIOON Dental Laser in Lithuania.
A wonderful exhibition -- Medbaltica 2022.
How Is the Pioon Diode Laser Done for Dentistry?
Soft tissue laser can be absorbed through water and hemoglobin. These lasers are used in the treatment of periodontitis, including killing bacteria and activating tissue regeneration. Soft tissue laser seals nerve endings and blood vessels when penetrating the tissue, so the patient hardly feels pain after laser treatment. The lasers also promotes faster tissue healing.
PIOON Dental Laser in Venezuela.
A wonderful exhibition with Pioon's H1&S3 Dental Laser in Venezuela.
PIOON Dental Laser in France.
PIOON Dental Laser in France. A wonderful exhibition -- Marseille SFORL 2022.