
the effect of (LLLT)Low-level laser therapy
Low level laser therapy (LLLT) is the direct application of light to stimulate cell responses (photobiomodulation) in order to promote tissue healing, reduce inflammation and induce analgesia. There have been significant studies demonstrating its application and efficacy at many sites within the body and for treatment of a range of musculoskeletal injuries, degenerative diseases and dysfunction.
LLLT as an effective treatment of recurrent aphtous ulcers
Laser treatment of recurrent aphthous stomatitis is an easy, fast and pain-free procedure. Studies have shown that ulcers treated by laser therapy provide immediate pain relief and fewer recurrences in the future.
(LLLT)Low-level laser therapy in acclerating orthodontic tooth
rthodontic treatment is a way of straightening or moving teeth to improve the way they look and work. By distributing the pressure of the bite to all the teeth through orthodontic treatment, it also helps to maintain the long-term health of the teeth, gums and jaw joints. The length of treatment varies depending on the severity of the problem, with some taking a few months and others two and a half years. Most people can be cured in a year or two. It is therefore of great clinical importance to
LLLT(Photobiomodulation) for Aphthous ulcers using S1 Pioon Laser
Here is the management of Aphthous Ulcer using LLLT by Dr. Sana Farista. LLLT is the acronym for Low Level Laser Therapy, where very minimal amount of energy is used to reduce pain, discomfort and to fasten the healing of Ulcer.
LLLT(Low Level Laser Therapy/ Photobiomodulation)
Low level laser therapy (LLLT) is defined as laser treatment in which the energy output is low enough to produce nonthermal and biostimulatory effects. The mechanisms of effect of LLLT causing laser analgesia are due to the stabilization of depolarising potential of nerve fibres or effects on the cellular and biochemical processes of the inflammatory responses. It is a new treatment modality and has the advantages of being painless with no side effects.