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Outcome of Diode Laser Assisted Endoscopic DCR

This study evaluates diode laser-assisted endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) for treating chronic dacryocystitis in 49 patients from August 2015 to July 2016. Success and complications were monitored at intervals up to six months post operatively. The average patient age was 44.96 years, with a higher prevalence in females (71.4%). Complications included injury to the middle turbinate, sump syndrome, synechia, and granulation tissue formation. The overall success rate was 87.76%. The study concludes that laser-assisted endoscopic DCR is a cosmetically favorable, high-tech alternative to conventional external DCR with excellent outcomes.


Treatment of onychomycosis using a 1064-nm diode laser with or without topical antifungal therapy: a single-center, retrospective analysis in 56 patients

Currently available treatment options for onychomycosis such as topical and systemic antifungals are often of limited efficacy, difficult to administer or associated with relevant side effects. Non-ablative laser therapy is proposed to represent a safe alternative without the disadvantages of drugs. Yet, to date, the efficacy of laser therapy for onychomycosis is discussed controversially. Against this background, we performed a systematic retrospective analysis of our clinical experience of 4 years of onychomycosis treatment applying a long-pulsed 1.064-nm diode laser.


Use of Diode Laser in Hysteroscopy for the Management of Intrauterine Pathology: A Systematic Review

Hysteroscopy is the gold standard for diagnosing and treating intrauterine pathologies, with diode laser technology emerging as an innovative technique. A systematic review (PROSPERO ID: CRD42023485452) included eight studies with 474 patients undergoing laser hysteroscopic surgery. Conditions treated included female genital tract abnormalities, submucosal leiomyomas, endometrial polyps, and a scar pregnancy. Only seven patients required a second surgical step, excluding initial leiomyoma cases. Intraoperative and postoperative complication rates were 2.7% and 0.6%, respectively. Diode laser in "see and treat" hysteroscopy is safe and effective, but further studies are needed.


Efficacy of a Diode Vaginal Laser in the Treatment of the Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause

Genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM) and vulvovaginal atrophy (VVA) are common menopause-related disorders. Nonhormonal treatments are first-line, while topical estrogen is the gold standard, but not suitable for cancer survivors. This study evaluated nonablative diode laser treatment in sexually active women with GSM who cannot use or refuse estrogen therapy. Using a Leonardo Dual diode laser, 26 patients received three monthly treatments. Significant improvements were observed in the Vaginal Health Index (VHI), symptom severity (VAS score), and sexual function (FSFI-19). No adverse effects were reported, and 73.1% of patients noted symptom improvement.


Lasers in Otolaryngology: A Laser Odyssey From Carbon Dioxide to True Blue

In this special issue of the Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) journal entitled Lasers in Otolaryngology, we attempted to cover and accommodate different experiences from around the globe on both established and some not so well-known techniques and indications for Lasers in most ENT subspecialties.
