
Management of Tongue-Tie/Ankyloglossia - A Surgical Procedure with Dental Laser
Tongue-tie (ankyloglossia) is a congenital condition that restricts the tongue's range of motion. An unusually short, thick or tight band of tissue (lingual frenulum) attaches the bottom of the tongue's tip to the floor of the mouth, causing difficulties in infants to adulthood through adolescence. Breast-feeding in infants, difficulty while eating, speaking, swallowing malocclusion, sleep apnea are few to mention.
S1 Blue 3 Wavelengths Dental Laser/ PIOON Dentistry Restorative Crown Lengthening
I have selected S1 Triple wavelength PIOON Laser, and I'll be using 980nm wavelength for the same procedure. Before we start the procedure, first very important step is to measure the biological width by bone sounding method. We will select 980nm wavelength and 400 micron tip.
PIOON Jointly with ALD providing 2 days, total of 8hours dental LASER training Camp
There will be systematic and in-depth learning about lasers, highly Knowledge filled webinar along with exciting rewards.
Gingival Depigmentation with Dental Lasers for Management of Gingival Hyperpigmentation
Gingival hyperpigmentation is a common esthetical concern in patients with gummy smile or excessive gingival display. It is an overproduction of melanin, beyond the normal expected degree in the oral mucosa, induced by various causes.
New dental laser applications in oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
We are coming up with our Fourth FB Live Training Session. Dr. Saleh Al Ghabban on topic “LASER APPLICATIONS IN DENTISTRY”.
Teeth Whitening/ Bleaching with 450nm laser
Laser-assisted bleaching uses laser beam to accelerate release of free radicals within the bleaching gel to decrease time of whitening procedure.