
Gingival Contouring/Gingivoplasty Procedure using PIOON 450nm
Today Dr. Sana Farista from India are going to demonstrate and talk about Gingival Contouring/Gingivoplasty procedure with S1 Pioon Laser 450nm. The best part of using laser is isolation, there’s no problem of bleeding.
Soft tissue Laser Applications in Pediatrics
There are many applications for pediatric soft tissue laser procedures in oral surgery, oral pathology, periodontology and orthodontics — including frenectomies, frenotomies, operculectomies, gingivectomies, and treatment of aphthous and herpetic lesions.
(LLLT)Low-level laser therapy in acclerating orthodontic tooth
rthodontic treatment is a way of straightening or moving teeth to improve the way they look and work. By distributing the pressure of the bite to all the teeth through orthodontic treatment, it also helps to maintain the long-term health of the teeth, gums and jaw joints. The length of treatment varies depending on the severity of the problem, with some taking a few months and others two and a half years. Most people can be cured in a year or two. It is therefore of great clinical importance to
Laser Assisted Excision Of a Gingival Polyps
Gingival polyps, are focal fibrous hyperplastic lesions, also known as, localized gingival enlargement or “epulis”.
The main goal of endodontic treatment is the effective cleaning of the root-canal system and preventing the reinfection. Traditional endodontic techniques use mechanical instruments and chemical irrigation to shape, clean and completely decontaminate the endodontic system.
Medical Laser In Proctology
Medical Diode Laser has an active application in minimally invasive treatment. Wavelengths suitable for absorption by tissues, precisely adjustable energy, and high adaptability to various surgical fibers are features that distinguish laser treatment from traditional scalpel-based ways.