
Lasers are widely used in Orthodontics for aesthetic gingival recontouring, soft tissue crown lengthening, exposure of soft-tissue over the impacted teeth, removal of inflamed and hypertrophic tissue, frenectomy in case of highly attached frenum causing hindrance to tooth movement in diastema cases, tissue removal at the site for mini screw and Low Level Laser Therapy for reduction in pain experienced during the orthodontic therapy.
Dental lasers contribute significantly to the field of cosmetic dentistry, providing an invaluable resource for clinicians who perform different types of esthetic procedures.
Dental laser treatment for periodontal disease was one of the first reasons why the technology was developed. Diode lasers are able to help destroy infectious bacteria and remove heavy amounts of buildup.
LLLT(Low Level Laser Therapy/ Photobiomodulation)
Low level laser therapy (LLLT) is defined as laser treatment in which the energy output is low enough to produce nonthermal and biostimulatory effects. The mechanisms of effect of LLLT causing laser analgesia are due to the stabilization of depolarising potential of nerve fibres or effects on the cellular and biochemical processes of the inflammatory responses. It is a new treatment modality and has the advantages of being painless with no side effects.
Oral Surgery
Lasers have been used in dentistry for approximately two decades. For many intraoral soft tissue surgical procedures, the laser is a viable alternative to the scalpel. There are many categories of soft tissue procedures that can be treated by lasers
Procedure of Frenotomy using S1 Pioon laser
Today Dr. Sana Farista is showcasing a procedure of Frenotomy using S1 Pioon laser, 980nm wavelength. Frenotomy is done to the relieve high frenal attachments/ muscle pull.