
2022-Mar-11 2528

Treatment for Dentin Hypersensitivity using 980nm

Treatment for Dentin Hypersensitivity using 980nm

Do you suddenly find that your teeth become very fragile, you will start to have a toothache when you drink cold water, eat ice-cream, and even when you brush your teeth? This is the symptom of tooth sensitivity. Compared to conventional desensitizing topical agents, the laser treatment leads to rapid results with less application time and more quickly for the patient.

The discomfort of patients due to dentinal hypersensitivity (DH) is one of the main challenges that dentists face in daily clinical practice. when a stimulus is applied to dentine, the fluid inside the tubule will get displaced inwardly and outwardly, causing deformation of the nerve endings at the pulp-dentine interface, and transmitting a painful sensation leading to DH. DH is defined as pain arising from exposed dentin and open tubules, typically in response to thermal, chemical, or mechanical stimuli, and it cannot be explained as arising from any other form of dental defect or pathology. A well-known mechanism for treating DH is obliterating or narrowing the dentinal tubules, by inducing hydroxyapatite crystals using laser heat.

Diode laser 980nm is in the near infrared position of the electromagnetic spectrum part of the energy is absorbed by the dentinal components provoking melting of the dentin structure . These transformations are more intense when higher irradiation parameters are used. Oral tissues contain several chromophores: hemoglobin, melanin, and other pigments. The absorption coefficients of chromophores are variable and dependent on light wavelengths. Diode lasers in the near infrared are more absorbed by melanin and other pigments than by dentin.

PIOON’s dental laser using 980nm will give you a better effect in dentin hypersensitivity. A good wavelength give you a better choice.