
2021-Dec-23 2325

Laser Treatment For Toenail Fungus

Laser Treatment For Toenail Fungus

Lasers for Podiatry is always to reduce treatment pain, avoid or minimize hospital confinement, and enable patients flexibility comfortably as soon as possible. 

The M3 medical diode laser(980nm 15W) is especially designed for the treatment of Podiatry.The infrared 980nm wavelength is important to ensure deep tissue penetration.

The Application of Mercury Podiatry Laser

- Vascular Lesions

- Corns/Callus

- Nail Fungus

- Warts Removal

- Tissue Inflammation

- Matricectomy

What is Nail Fungus?

It is the most common disease of the nails and constitutes about a half of all nail abnormalities. This condition may affect toenails or fingernails. It is estimated to affect nearly 10% of the general population, with the incidence rising to nearly 30%, in patients over age 60.

Laser for podiatry diseases.

With only partial efficacy and various side effects from pharmaceutical options, laser treatment is fast becoming the option of choice for nail fungus eradication. 980nm wavelength laser has demonstrated superior results in nail fungus removal, showing safety and efficacy. Its excellent feature of deep penetration provides a good effective treatment through the nail, with less impacting surrounding tissues. With the best performance in comprehensive property of absorption by tissue element, 980nm can treat kinds of podiatry diseases with different handpiece so which present no side effects and completely safe with no pain.

Mercury Podiatry Laser system's best chosen wavelength and user-friendly software design are perfect to solve all the diseases on your foot!